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  De Jong

Hey There, I’m Melanie! I am a former CPA turned personal finance blogger and mom of three. When you ‘Budget With Mel’, you’ll develop monthly budgets, cost-cutting tactics, and learn new behaviors and beliefs about money. It’s time you took the stress and confusion out of your personal finances.

Hey There, I’m Melanie! I am a former CPA turned personal finance blogger and mom of three. When you ‘Budget With Mel’, you’ll develop monthly budgets, cost-cutting tactics, and learn new behaviors and beliefs about money. It’s time you took the stress and confusion out of your personal finances.

Why You Need a Morning Routine and How to Create One

melaniedj • Sep 17, 2018

Having a consistent morning routine will set the tone for the rest of your day. When you establish a morning routine, you set yourself up for success every single day. 

Do you press snooze the maximum amount of times possible, giving yourself hardly enough time to brush your teeth and hair before running out the door? 

Do you feel stressed in the morning because you feel caught between what your job, family, and personal demands are?

I'm one of those crazy morning people.  I LOVE being up before the rest of the world. I work better in the morning, I feel at peace in the morning, and I look forward to mornings. Hopefully after reading this post, you will be determined to be a morning person as well!

If there is one thing that has been a game-changer for me, it is getting up early and doing the same routine every single morning. If you want to change your life, start by getting up early and follow a morning routine.

First and foremost, being a morning person is a decision that you need to make because you WANT to become a morning person. 

For some people, being a morning person and waking up earlier simply doesn't suit their schedule. For instance, if you're a mom and your kids wake up early if you do, then you probably don't want to become a morning person. That's totally fine! 

I do think no matter what time you wake, establishing a good morning routine is essential to setting the tone for your day.

This post is for those who WANT to get up earlier AND/OR want to establish a good morning routine, and also those who need some good ideas on what an effective morning routine looks like.

Let's dive right in! 


"You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine." 

John C. Maxwell

In one sentence, that is why you need a morning routine. Your success for the day literally depends on it.

Read on to learn WHY having a morning routine sets you up for success, and how to create a morning routine!

1. Stress Reduction

People who get up earlier are less likely to be stressed.  Now, I'm not going to go so far as to say you will not be stressed simply because you wake up earlier. I'm an early riser, but I am also a very high-stress, go-go-go type person.

Waking early is one tool that I use to combat my stress.  I feel like I have more time in the day, and don't feel so pressed by all the days tasks that are before me. Most of my stress is self-inflicted, so mentally I'm able to start my day off in a better place if I get up earlier!

2. You are More Likely to Make Healthy Choices

Waking up early allows you more time to have a healthy and nutritional breakfast. If you are rushing out the door, you are less likely to factor nutrition into your decision of what to eat for breakfast.

If you are in the camp of not eating breakfast, getting up earlier gives you time to make sure that you get it in!

Further, you are more likely to make healthy choices throughout the day because you have more time to prepare your meals for the day.

3. It Helps Defeat Mental Fatigue

As the day goes on, your ability to make smart, informed decisions dwindles as you become more and more mentally fatigued. You're more likely to make a well thought out and informed decision at 10 am as opposed to 5 pm, right before you leave work.

If you can start your morning by avoiding the decision-making process by automating your morning routine, you are avoiding becoming mentally fatigued earlier in the day.

4. You Give Yourself an Advantage

By waking up early, you are automatically giving yourself an advantage because you are ahead of what is coming.  You essentially have the opportunity to get ahead of your day and whatever its going to throw at you.

More than likely, something that wasn't planned in your day will happen. If you rise early, you leave yourself some extra time to deal with those unplanned things that require time to complete.

5. More Family Time

Getting up early helps with the conflict of time between work life and family life. 

I have always been an early-riser. Like 5 am early riser. My husband on the other hand? He loves his sleep and he doesn't like to be awakened a minute sooner than he needs to be. However, recently we reviewed some personal and family goals that we would like to accomplish together. One of my husbands goals for himself was to get up earlier.

One benefit that we have reaped from both getting up early is that we have time to do devotions together in the mornings and we feel more connected this way.


1. Have Quiet Time

Make sure you have at least 5 minutes of quiet time to yourself. During the day, quiet time is rare for most people. Our lives are consumed with noise. Whether it be chattering, noise from social media, music, or anything else, we are constantly surrounded by noise. 

I look forward to my quiet time of prayer in the morning before the baby wakes up again. I can bring my praises, concerns, and requests to God and remind myself that He is in control.  

Whatever you want your quiet time to be, just make sure you get it in!

2. Plan Your Day

Either plan your day the night before or right after your quiet time in the morning.

Personally, I recently started block scheduling my day. Block scheduling is where you divide your day up into segments or blocks (mine are 2-3 hours at a time), and write down the tasks you need to accomplish in those blocks. If you don't complete a task before the block is over, you must force yourself to move onto the next block anyway.

I started using block scheduling because I know that now that I have a baby to care for, I will have a lot less time to blog since I also work full-time. I don't have as much wiggle room in my schedule anymore!

No matter how you like to schedule, just make sure you have one and don't just wing it. 

3. Avoid Checking Emails

Checking emails can distract you from remaining focused on your morning routine. How valuable is your time? If you think about it, an email is technically someone's request for your time.

Are you willing to give up your morning routine in order to respond to someone else's requests first thing?

My idea of a peaceful morning does not include checking emails because I become easily distracted and I have a hard time resisting the temptation to immediately reply to others.

Make your goals and tasks a priority over others requests for your time.

4. Create an Effective Bedtime Routine

If you want to have an effective morning routine, having an effective bedtime routine is just as important!

Key things for a good bedtime routine include:

  • Avoid checking social media an hour before your designated "bedtime" 
  • Make your lunch for the next day so you aren't scrambling 
  • Go to bed the same time as your spouse 

These are just some ideas, think of your own. What are your distractions at bedtime? My biggest one is social media, and that is definitely an area I need to improve!

5. Start With a Workout

If you can, try and start your day with a workout.  Getting your blood pumping is the best thing you can do for yourself in the morning. Whether it be a brisk walk, run, or a high intensity workout, try and get it in first thing!

If you wait to workout until later in the day, you more than likely won't be as energized and you'll be more prone to skip your workout.


1. Getting up is the Hardest Part

It's pretty obvious, but the hardest part is getting your feet on the ground. If you can mentally force yourself out of bed, you have successfully conquered one of the hardest tasks of the morning.

2. Go to Bed Early

If you want to get up earlier, you're going to have to force yourself to go to bed earlier.

You should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep. Right now I'm getting around 5-6 hours of sleep since my babe is only a month and a half old, but I am soooo looking forward to the days when I can get around 7!

This goes without saying, but if you are well-rested it will be easier to rise in the morning!

3. Treat Yourself in the Morning

Make sure you indulge in an activity for yourself in the morning. Whether it be a big breakfast, reading time, devotion time, prayer time, make sure that you have something you look forward to doing in the morning.It will be easier to wake up in the morning because you know that if you allow yourself to sleep in, then you won't have time for your morning indulgence!

My morning indulgence is making a large breakfast. I absolutely cannot function without breakfast, and I DO NOT like grabbing something quick. I like a nutritional, large breakfast and I look forward to it every single morning.

4. Don't Snooze

Try your absolute best to not press snooze.   Do you trick yourself into thinking that by pressing snooze for just five more minutes you'll be more rested and thus have more energy?

It is actually proven that by pressing snooze you are not engaging in REM sleep, so you're literally just wasting time. There is no added benefit of the additional 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes.

5. Wake Up at the Same Time Everyday

For best results, try and be consistent with your wake time.  Yes, even on weekends (but for SURE during the weekdays).

If you have maybe a slower morning planned, you will be tempted to let yourself sleep in longer. Resist the urge to do so!

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